
My experience at WebSummit Rio 2023

Written by Natalie Meirelles, AWS Partner Alliance Coordinator Global | May 8, 2023 12:00:00 AM


Last week I had the opportunity to attend the WebSummit Rio, and it was an incredible experience. The conference brought together a diverse group of professionals from various industries to discuss the latest trends and innovations in technology.

WebSummit Rio Center Stage

The event had informative talks and workshops led by experts in the field. I particularly enjoyed the sessions on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and innovations. The speakers shared valuable insights on how these technologies are transforming their respective industries and the potential impact they could have in the future.

I also had the chance to visit the AWS exhibition, which had a great customer experience; people could understand the services being used in real life!


They offered the "Servlesspresso", where we could order an espresso using a Servless service. You just had to scan a QR code on the screen, insert your phone number and put the code you received in the field shown. Then, you only had to choose between an Espresso, a Mocha, or a Cappuccino, and BAM! You were already in the line! In less than 3 minutes, you had your hot drink in your hands! You could follow your position on the screen!

Servlesspresso at AWS My cappuccino by AWS

Another fantastic service was Machine Learning Rekognition: you scanned a QR Code, took off a selfie, and then you could feel like a model in a photoshoot session!

Then, the system recognized your face by the selfie, and all your images would be uploaded to that link! Super easy! I took some, but I was on those "bad hair days"!

My picture using Rekognition

If you want to know more about Machine Learning, look at our Survival Guide on the top right of the page! 😉

I still have plenty of new stuff to write off, but attending the WebSummit Rio was an enriching experience. I gained valuable knowledge, made new connections, and left feeling inspired and motivated to continue learning and innovating in my field. I am grateful for the opportunity Metal Toad gave me to attend, and look forward to future events.