Genius Vets

genius vets
call database
of calls per day
efficiency increase

As the highest-performing marketing company in the veterinary industry, GeniusVets helps its clients get more website traffic and phone calls coming in to the practice. But to ensure that these new callers are turning into new clients for those practices requires an efficient, effective and well-trained front desk staff inside the practice. 

GeniusVets has been tracking and recording inbound calls for their clients for years, and providing clients with the ability to listen back and flag problem calls for training purposes. The only problem? There are simply too many calls to be realistically handled by human reviewers.

“Our clients are receiving minimally dozens of calls per day, some even hundreds,” said Orion. “So even clients that try to listen to a few each day just won’t be able to review enough calls to catch problems.”

Existing products such as CallRail offer sentiment analysis, but the GeniusVets team found that since these products are not specialized for veterinary practices, they were worse than useless. For example, words like “injured” or “vomiting” would be flagged as “negative” by a general purpose AI – but practically every call to a veterinary practice sounds like that.

“We’ve helped our clients increase their inbound phone calls by over 200%. But now they need help qualifying and evaluating their teams to ensure excellent service – at scale. Metal Toad’s AI team is helping us achieve this goal which will help hundreds of practices around the country.”


GeniusVets partnered with Metal Toad for the development of a call review AI system. Utilizing AWS tools including Amazon Bedrock and Transcribe Speech-To-Text, Metal Toad created a system that identifies the small fraction of calls that need to be reviewed by a human. This will allow human reviewers to focus on the “needles”, not the “haystack”, and thus allow them to better train their teams.

Studying thousands of calls through a combination of software and human evaluation, the teams worked side-by-side to train the AI to spot calls that needed attention. By focusing on the top 10% of calls that need attention, managers can be 10X more efficient in their call reviews.


With calls now being evaluated by the AI in advance, GeniusVets clients can easily find the handful of calls that they need to review most of all. This makes their managers more effective, streamlines training, and ultimately increases practice growth and profitability by helping turn more of these new callers into life-long clients.

Get Started with AWS

We build the most valuable, safest solutions for our customers and have a significant amount of experience across all the major public Cloud providers. 

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Speak with our team to understand how Metal Toad can help you drive innovation, growth and success. 


The sales team at ABC was feeling a lot like substitute teachers, bogged down with cumbersome old tech and processes at crucial moments.


A clear solution emerged: a single app that the sales team could use with any mobile device or computer


The new system revamped the entire sales process, making it faster, easier, and more efficient. 


Whenever a big sweepstake was launched, avid fans would descend on the website and often overtax its servers. 


Moving the site’s servers to the cloud provided the elasticity Wheel of Fortune needed. 


When the team launches new sweepstakes, preventative scaling is used to double, triple, or even quadruple their capacity to match expected traffic.


DC Entertainment site is routinely crawled by third parties looking for security vulnerabilities or new leaks ahead of announcements.


ML Log evaluation. We started by setting up a data pipeline that replicated the manual process Metal Toad had been doing for years


Quickly identified new threats. The ML Log Monitoring solution quickly found two groups of IPs for evaluation. 


Fox needed a transformation to streamline operations, maximize efficiency, and optimize coordination. 


The new platform will replace legacy systems with a solution that unifies viewer experience and aligns operations across the enterprise. 


Fox now has in hand the detailed plan they need to make Fox Mississippi a reality.


When approaching Metal Toad for a potential partnership, they made it clear that their current website was falling short.

Metal Toad improved usability, access to interactive modules, and site-wide responsiveness while optimizing Orchestra content for online search.
Visitor experience enjoyed vastly improved overall site usability, including ordering tickets, access to events calendar, quick-and-easy donations, and social sharing.

Search results were stale, poorly ranked, and simply not delivering the content that users demanded. 

Metal Toad proposed a custom search solution that was scalable, reliable, and free from licensing costs or vendor lock-in.
A 40% increase in relevant hit rates, drastically reduced search page load times, and overall improved visitor satisfaction were reported within the first week of launch.

Case Studies

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